still be here

still be here interstitials | Post:ballet

Choreography: Mia J. Chong in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Post:ballet and Berkeley Ballet Studio Company
Music: Sunset Youth Services Remixes
Costume Designer: Aine Dorman
Lighting Designer: David Robertson
Sound Designer: Brian Mohr
Creative Director: Robin Dekkers
Co-Creative Directors: Mia J. Chong and Moscelyne ParkeHarrison
Full length: Six 2-4 minute pieces

still be here is an evening-length collaboration between Post:ballet, Berkeley Ballet Theater, and Kronos Performing Arts Association. With 25 dancers, eight choreographers, eight composers, six remixes, six quartets, and 100+ costumes, still be here is a unique live performance experience.

Mia’s six interstitial movements or brief transitional sections are set to electronic remixes from Kronos Music: REMIX, a collaboration between Kronos Performing Arts Association and Sunset Youth Services. To learn more about the choreographic process, check out this behind-the-scenes video.

still be here also features original choreography by Ihsan Rustem, Danielle Rowe, Chuck Wilt, Babatunji Johnson, Moscelyne ParkeHarrison, Keon Saghari, and Emily Hansel, performed by the Post:ballet company dancers, and the Berkeley Ballet Theater studio company. Live music is performed by Kronos Quartet and ensembles from Oakland School for the Arts, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and Crowden Music Center, featuring scores by Bryce Dessner, Fodé Lassana Diabaté, Joan Jeanrenaud, Nicole Lizée, Wu Man, Angélica Negrón, and Charlton Singleton. 

Chong’s choreography for the interstitial work is strong...these movement sections often brought applause at times surpassing the commissioned work which preceded it. The exuberance of the leaps and fast backward runs of ‘interstitial for eight’ provide a refreshing palette cleanser...
— Jen Norris Dance Reviews